Saturday, March 31, 2007
SM part 2
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1:08 PM
Friday, March 30, 2007
The Scarlet Monastery
Today, I have some screen shots of a group of us in,"The Scarlet Monastery" in the Armory section of the dungeon... If you don't know what the Scarlet Monastery ( which most of us in WOW say for short,"SM") here is a brief story of the dungeon.
The Monastery was once a proud bastion of Lordaeron's priesthood - a center for learning and enlightenment. With the rise of the undead Scourge during the Third War, the peaceful Monastery was converted into a stronghold of the fanatical Scarlet Crusade. The Crusaders are intolerant of all non-human races, regardless of alliance or affiliation. They believe that any and all outsiders are potential carriers of the undead plague - and must be destroyed. Reports indicate that adventurers who enter the monastery are forced to contend with Scarlet Commander Mograine - who commands a large garrison of fanatically devoted warriors. However, the monastery's true master is High Inquisitor Whitemane - a fearsome priestess who possesses the ability to resurrect fallen warriors to do battle in her name.
This was my first time in SM with Bloodyloc and like to thank the people that was in the group for the great party that we had.... So here are the pictures..........
Posted by
12:12 PM
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Ixxi has accepted the wedding proposal and we started telling all members of the guild. When Nobleadela heard about this, she thought why not have 2 weddings or a One big wedding of both couples. She told Manthra to get in touch with me and I said " It would be a great idea" but want to pass this along to my bride and get the ok from her, which later on she said the same thing.
we all had a meeting today to decide on some details of the Big wedding which is.
Nobleadela to Manthra
Ixxi to Bloodyloc
The set date is Apirl 14th at Silvermoon City, by the Court of Sun
Time: 1700hrs server time
The members of the AEI Guild will all be invited....News of this will be posted on the Guild Forums and on the GEM Mod
we also did a practice run, and here are some pictures......
Posted by
5:26 PM
Hey all, so I managed another Guild run yesterday and only died once..... But no wipes
I would like to thank the excellent group that we had:
BloodyLoc - the crazy warlock
Ixxi - my beloved bride
Wichdocta - The famous stokie Troll
Malboxia - good job
Dart - Good guy
I forgot to take some pictures when we where inside RFK....
Once again great job running threw RFK
After RFK we ran a small group which was Bloodyloc, Ixxi and Wichdocta.. We decided to finish me and witchdocta on the last 2 bubbles on the XP to ding the next level. so we went to Duskwallow Marsh get some of our training books for First Aid. After that we went strolling to kill these ugly spiders in the Marsh area.... Thanks for Ixxi not protecting me from a Raptor, this is what I looked like after the heated battle..
"Would someone mind getting this dinosaur off me, PLEASE!"
This Screenshot is from wichdocta..... The pix speaks for it self
Posted by
4:56 PM
Friday, March 23, 2007
BloodyLoc Background Story
BloodyLoc was born an orphan during the time of the Scourge invasions of Silvermoon. A warlock by the name of Tyrande took him in and has been teach him the ways of the Warlock every since. BloodyLoc works hard at his studies and has only a single good friend named Ixxi.
Ixxi and BloodyLoc becamse good friends after Ixxi save his Life from some evil gnomes outside of Wetlands.
Since than he has become very fond of Ixxi and asked her hand in marrage
Posted by
4:36 PM
Something New
Posted by
3:28 AM